Do I honor today as sacred and special?
Do I honor myself today, as sacred, special, precious?
What lines do I draw?
Which divisions do I create?
We are in liminal space whenever past, present, and future time come together in a “full” moment of readiness. We are in liminal space whenever the division between “right here” and “over there” is obliterated in our consciousness.
Richard Rohr
What some call “liminal space” or threshold space (limen in Latin means a threshold, a starting line in a race, or a beginning place) is a very good phrase for those special times, events, and places that open us up to the sacred.
What became All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day (November 1-2) were already called “thin times” by the ancient Celts, as also were February 1-2 (St. Bridget’s Day and Candlemas Day when the candles were blessed and lit). The veil between this world and the next world was considered most “thin” and most easily traversed during these times. On these days, we were invited to be aware of deep time—that is, past, present, and future time gathered into one especially holy moment.
It seems we need special (“sacred”) days to open us up to all days being special and sacred; we need special and sacred times to universalize to all time.
What became All Saints’ Day and All Souls Day (November 1-2) were already called “thin times” by the ancient Celts, as also were February 1-2 (St. Bridget’s Day and Candlemas Day when the candles were blessed and lit). The veil between this world and the next world was considered most “thin” and most easily traversed during these times. On these days, we were invited to be aware of deep time—that is, past, present, and future time gathered into one especially holy moment.

Do I honor today as sacred and special?
Do I honor myself today, as sacred, special, precious?
What lines do I draw?
Which divisions do I create?
In this sacred space.