I danced with my mom tonight
Music played
People sang and clapped
Behind it all
Me, Mom and her wheelchair
Moved to the beat
I skipped, hopped and strolled
Spinning my mother around
Humming and singing along
Mom's voice sometimes joining mine
"I'm the happiest girl in the whole USA!"
"Mom, isn't this Dolly Parton?"
(turns out it was actually Donna Fargo)
"Swing low sweet chariot, stop and let me ride."
"The bass part in this song reminds me of Uncle Loren."
"Yes, it does."
"Que sera, sera"
An actual Dolly Parton song
Cotton Eyed Joe
On and on the music played.
On and on I moved my mom
In our own little dance
Every word she is able to utter
Is precious
Every time she smiles
A gift
I press the side of my head to hers
As we roll along
"I love you, Mom. I love you."
"I love you!", she replies.
"I love you!", she replies.