Friday, February 21, 2020

Deep Roots

There is one Source
One Love.  One Light.  One Goodness 
From which we all come
To which we long to return  
Hunger and desire
send out tendrils 
like roots 
burrowing into soil
Seeking comfort and sustenance 

Shallow roots find ready pleasures
Temporary relief
Easy and sweet
Yet the ache grows
The soul knows the difference

As shallow roots are released
Deeper roots can begin to grow
Finding connection to true heart
True love
True healing
True Source

Clinging to the immediate
Muffles deeper needs and desires.
In the letting go
We receive

Can we release that which no longer serves us?
Can we love ourselves enough?
Can we love and hold each other 
through the losing
the grieving
 the finding
the knowing? 


Does anything matter 
more than this?

Fractal image:

Monday, February 3, 2020

Opening Heart

My roots reach deep into the earth
Releasing.  Receiving. 
My branches reach high into the heavens
Receiving. Releasing.  Receiving. 

My heart opens

Veils part
I emerge 
Bright shining light  
Beautiful bright shining light
No longer hidden
I cannot return to the darkness
Can no longer hide in my smallness
I remember this magic
I remember this magic

I am my Beloved’s 
My Beloved is mine.
The Lover of my soul
God of my understanding
Is within me always
I am never alone

Fractals can be found here: