Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Seeking joy in the future

When I am Silent, I fall into the Place where everything is Music
- Rumi

Oftentimes I find happiness by looking forward to the next fun thing . . . 
That next vacation, spending time with someone I love,
a yummy dessert in my fridge . . . 
Big things and small
Looking toward the next thrill

When I was a consumer of illicit substances
I cherished the thought of my secret pleasure
Knowing I could get high and feel better . . .

Funny, it just hit me how this is so much 
not living in the moment! 
not staying in the now

I search my mind for a future positive event
to get me through the day
Rather than delight in where I am
Who I am 

This is my new awareness

As I stop looking for the next thrill
as a path to happiness.
And begin to walk, speak, live and love
In simplicity and gratitude
To smile at the life within and around me
My inner joy and freedom 
Can only expand

Needing the promise of something that's not here and now
to pull me through
 can be a heavy weight
Especially when there's a void
In the place where happy dreams live

Sweet simplicity
Simple joys
Simple beauty
Are present here and now

I smile at myself
I smile at my life
Smile at difficulties and frustrations
For they bring growth

I return to the moment
I can truly be no where else
Will never be!

Release all that binds
Revel in all that is
Peace and joy will follow

Simple and now
Pleasure and gratitude
My new way of being

To live in the place where everything is music
This place is within me
What more could I desire?

When I am Silent, I fall into the Place where everything is Music
- Rumi

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mystery Beyond Words

different dimensions
filling everything

the universe is thick
with mystery and meaning
nothing void

there's a place in my chest
where I feel the call . . . 
with a dimension beyond
all that is

energy that flows through all
filling to overflowing
all that is

we are within
all creation
is within us

energy and life
there's nowhere they're not.
smile.  rejoice!

we are united within 
this miracle of flow
every cell, every atom
the mystery flows deeper still

We are carried
far beyond the stars
there is no near or far
all is one

mind, body

I observe my thinking self
from a deeper place

when I step into this space
reality becomes crystal clear
beauty overwhelms

my child self delights in the sparkle
the sweet fresh breeze
sun on the water
clouds drifting across the blue, blue sky
the fragrance of fresh grass
and rich brown soil

oh, what joy
to live beyond the burdens
beyond judgments and meaning
simple, pure, no strings attached

mystery is simple and intricate
sharp, transparent 
freedom and simplicity
at ever deeper levels
and higher . . . 
 beautiful, extravagant realities
in which to delight
and receive

We can go there whenever we wish
We need only remember
peace and beauty
are always there
at the heart of it all
waiting in love and patience
for us to turn toward them once more

We are never alone 

Shame Dissolved

Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to The Voice within yourSelf. 
Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the Unity of all things.
~Dogen Zenji♥ 

Shame is a warm blanket around the body
Heavy . . . dark . . . encumbering

Shame is a secret knife
embedded in the soul
Silently bleeding life away

Shame is a dark fog
Cloaking the mind
Muffling the heart
From within

Shame is a sweet lie
Learned from others
Accepted as the voice of Self

A voice that says
"My existence is a mistake"
"I don't belong"

It is an old friend
A habit of thinking
Stirring up desires to hide . . .
Compulsions to run to something or someone 
For relief
From self rejection
Self hatred
"Please, save me from myself"

Shame comes calling
Whenever we forget who we are;
When we look outside ourselves for love and value

Oh, Precious One
You are Beloved always

Remember the seed of Love 
Within you . . .
The seed of Life

You are delightful and beautiful

Be still
Release all that is not Love.
Rest in your true and perfect self

All is well
All is well

Shame is an illusion . . .
Thought appearing solid
A cloud dissolved 
By the breath of Love

Look and listen
To the Voice within

All is well
All is well

Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to The Voice within yourSelf. 
Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the Unity of all things.
~Dogen Zenji♥ 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dreams Realized

There's an author (Dylan Morrison) with whom I've interacted.  
He recently posted an article about dreams, 
and how God sometimes speaks through them,  
and that he is sometimes able to interpret them

I shared a dream with him.  Below is the dream and the interpretation.  
Though I had the dream a few years ago, it wasn't true then,
 and I wouldn't have understood.  
I now understand, and am very much free.
(remember to double click fractals for a more enjoyable experience!) 

and whether you read it all or not, the message I wish to share
is that dreams do come true.  
Our desires are based in love; in truth.
My deepest desires.  
The hunger I've had for deep
abiding peace and love.  
I'm walking in these now.


I was a boy in a boarding school.  
I was in a large dorm room with lots of beds 
I was a boy in a boarding school.  
I was in a large dorm room with lots of beds for all the students.  
At the age of 16 it was mandatory for all students to go to drumming class.  
I was fifteen.

Someone gave me a pink slip of paper 
with my name and age listed as sixteen. 
 I asked the older boy if I had to go, since I actually wasn't that age yet.  
I was told "no".

 I didn't want to go to drumming class because, if I did, 
they would discover that I was a true drummer already.  
This would also reveal that I could fly,
 something I did not want known.  

After all the other boys were gone, I flew.  
Usually, when I fly in dreams I have to concentrate 
really hard to keep myself up. 
 I have spinning techniques and create pressure between myself 
and the ground.  
This time, there was no thought, no effort.  

There were big high doors to get out of the room. 
 I entered a hallway that had large doorway after doorway 
(there were quite a few, one after the other, with 6 yards or so between them).  
As I approached each one, the doors would open (2 doors, parting in the middle)
 so I could fly through.  I stayed near the ceiling. 
 I began to notice a curious thing; 
there were fingerprints at the top of the doors and on the ceiling!  
There were other secret flyers!  

As I emerged out of the building, 
I became aware of another flyer behind me; female.  
I also was now female.  We sang together.  
The most beautiful harmonies I had ever heard.  
We flew out in the country.  
It was a beautiful night.  Bright, bright stars . . . big full moon.  
Shadows were very distinct.  
We flew around the tops of huge trees and sang 
"I have never ever been so happy before"  

The harmonies were overwhelmingly beautiful, 
and we kept singing about how happy we were . .. 
I was filled with joy.  
It felt like pure, unfiltered ecstasy and delight. 

This dream was truly a gift to me.  I still feel joy when I think of it.


A wonderful dream Lynelle

Here goes:

The boarding school for boys represent a male dominated belief system - 
regimented with a fixed programe.

In this system you played along with the 'male' control 
but in reality you are female with a different kind of spirit.

The someone who gave you the pink slip is I believe the Divine - 
He/She was giving you permission to come out so to speak 
as a drummer and flyer. 
 - you have a gift. 
The old thought form believed that one 'qualified' by attending 'disciplined lessons' 
to get to the stage of drumming.
 Not so from the Divine perspective.

The boy represents male authority that informs you that you don't qualify - 
perhaps your father or a past father figure, even male siblings.

You've always known you could drum - play in resonance with Holy Spirit/Breath. 
You've kept this gift under wraps in the past 
but now Spirit is asking you and empowering you to play.

The boys leaving represents the departure of the male control mindset. 
When they're gone you fly - in a way you haven't before
 - effortlessly - no pressure of expectation. 
In the past you have tried to channel your spirituality and gifting
 in a way that doesn't step out of the control environment you were involved with. 
Now you are free, to be you and to enjoy your spirituality 
without having to always look over your shoulder 
through fear of displeasing another.

Flying in a dream represents the ability to live and move in Spirit -
 to live from Source and to operate in spiritual gifting for the ultimate benefit of others.

The opening doors represent the opportunity to change your whole spiritual perception
 of yourself and others. 
You are leaving the building or paradigm that has 'contained' you for many years, 
especially your early and adolescent years.

The secret flyers represent others who have enjoyed their own spirituality 
but kept it under wraps within the thought system you found yourself in. 
Such was the control of the boarding school authorities 
that fear was the dominant emotion within its adherents or members. 
This is to encourage you that you are not alone on your new journey.

Most importantly, your spirituality can no longer be confined by a belief system. 
Flying free above the trees represents flying above 'leadership' 
and their dictates and judgments. 
The female flyer with you is in fact you, the real you 
that now joins in harmony with the controlled you or pretend you of the past. 
The harmony represents the reintegration of spirit and fragmented soul.

In a word Lynelle you are now FREE!

Hope this helps

Your friend

yes, yes, yes, yes, yes . . . 

Now I am outside the doors . . . there are no doors . . . 
there are no rules . . .  all is one  . . . 
all is Love . . . 

The singer behind me is me!  so beautiful. 
 I am one.  Spirit and I are one.

Too beautiful.  Too wonderful to grasp.  
Bit by bit, Beauty settles in my soul . . . rests and flourishes . . . 
flowers and flows . . . golden light . . . peace . . . 
all is free . . . all is good . . . 
no fear, no guilt, no shame . . . 
all is Love